Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified
ICD-10 code M48.5 for Collapsed vertebra, not elsewhere classified
Collapsed vertebra NOS
Wedging of vertebra NOS
Excludes1: current injury - see Injury of spine, by body region
fatigue fracture of vertebra (M48.4)
pathological fracture of vertebra due to neoplasm (M84.58)
pathological fracture of vertebra due to other diagnosis (M84.68)
pathological fracture of vertebra due to osteoporosis (M80.-)
pathological fracture NOS (M84.4-)
stress fracture of vertebra (M48.4-)
traumatic fracture of vertebra (S12.-, S22.-, S32.-)
The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from subcategory M48.5:
A - initial encounter for fracture
D - subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
G - subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S - sequela of fracture
ICD-10 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision